You don't know what's happening at all! This is not even worth 1 star for me. I was deeply disappointed, the battles are confusing and not good at all, battles have been the exciting part of the series since the start, now it is confusing. For this Bey was from the last Bey series made before Metal Fusion was born. The original is way better for nostalgic reasons & the battles are just crappy now, if they changed the name completely I would have agreed more, but changing only 1 word in the name? Come on now anyone who watched the original series should relate to how I'm feeling now. Kids, you guys get to see your Beyblade's ancestor. Now this series is available on Netflix and I'm deeply disappointed. This is mockery! This should not be rated positive by anyone who knows the original! I'm not saying the storyline isn't good, but they are making fun of their own series. If they wanted to do a so called 'Reboot' they should have used another name too!! Bakugan: Battle Planet only has 1 different word compared to the original Bakugan: Battle Brawlers. He also wears grey pants.I watched this series in my childhood! Bakugan Battle Brawlers is the real thing! This is a fake copy with a whole new story line and new characters. He has green and red loops on his waist and white protectors that cover his arm with black sleeves.

There is a V-shaped vest on it and underneath the coat is a grey and white shirt. He wears a grey coat with red highlights. He dresses similar to a person with karate clothes. Takeru has brown spiky hair, red eyes, brown eyebrows and is almost always seen with angry eyes. He goes into any Beyblade match with the supremacy and control of a born ruler bursting from within him.

Takeru idolizes the strength and power of the old emperors. Crush Blades Metal Fusion Starter Set with 1 battling tops Battle Big Bang Pegasus F:D, 1 Launcher, Metal Wheel, Track and Base, Duel Spinning Game for Kids Aged 6 and Above 4.0 out of 5 stars 61 16.99 16. Ever since that day Takeru has been fighting to avenge his father’s loss and become the best Beyblader around. Being the son of an underground Beyblade community champion, Takeru grew up obsessed with finding the legendary Bakushin Susanow Beyblade after his father was defeated by the original Beyblade Champion. He is ruthless, and has a brother named Yamato.